A worm is a hermaphrodite animals. It means it has two sex. It has ovum and testis. Worm can be useful to enrich the soil, elaborate organic waste, the source of human health and animal feed. Worm is a small animal. It is omnivore because it eats egg shells that has been crushed, vegetables, coconut fiber, etc. It can be found all over the world. Its habitat is in humit soil. Worm can live up to its giving birth. 1 kg of worms can lay up to 30.000 eggs.
The worm can grow up to 30 feet. Its colour can be red, pink, and dark red. It doesn't have an eyes, nose, and ears. It also doesn't have feet because it moves through its stomach. Worm is a safe animal because worm is in the bottom of the food pyramid or commonly called decomposer. Worm breathe through its skin.
There are thousand types of worms ranging from hook worm that is very small to rain giant worm. There are 3 groups of worms, there are Annelida, Nemathelminthes, and Platyhelminthes. Annelidas are segmented worms such as leeches, earthworms, and worm doth. Nemathelminthes are round worms. Their body are like a long tube without segment. There are approximately 12.000 species of round worms. Platyhelminthes are flatworms. There are approximately 30.000 types of flatworms such as tapeworms
Source: - Kramer.Ann thn 1998, Ensiklopedia Populer Anak Jakarta ; P.T. Ichtiar Baru Van Hoeve
- http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/cacing
- tentangcacing.blogspot.com/2013/12/apa-saja-makanan-cacing-tanah
- biosejati.wordpress.com/2011/12/12/cacing-tanah-deskripsi/
- id.answers.yahoo.com/question
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